For your business to be truly successful you must focus on its core activities.
EWS provides comprehensive professional and practical services that save you time, minimize costs and angst with all aspects of work.
The fascinating thing is that the more you focus on your core activities, the better your results will be.
There are a surprising amount of peripheral activities that can eat up your resources without any significant payoff like management of workers compensation claims, designing safety systems, developing specialized employees training and writing human resources policies and procedures. More and more organisations are outsourcing these high value activities to specialized companies achieving peace of mind, better financial results whilst saving unnecessary costs and hefty fines.
Click on the below links to find out more about EWS comprehensive services and simplify your work life.
Workers Compensation Assistance
Do you feel that you are paying too much for WorkCover?
Are you paying more than your competitors?
Do you have injured workers who should be back at work but are “dragging their feet” costing you an arm and a leg in premium increases?
The longer a claim stays open the more it costs. These rising direct costs, together with the payroll and the industry classification are ultimately responsible for the cost of the premium.
Our strategy is centered around this driving principle and we commit our entire resources towards this objective.
Performance Management
Employment Termination
At a time of slow economic growth and ever raising production costs, it is imperative to ensure that the entire workforce works at best practice levels so as to increase productivity and to keep motivated staff happy and engaged